10/28/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Another major supply chain scare just came down the pike when thousands of longshoremen went on strike to get paid fairly for their hard work, while billionaires in control of the supply chain tried to rip them off and take complete control. This was about to affect the supply and delivery of billions of dollars in prescription drugs that foreign nations manufacture and export to our sick care nation. Lucky for all these brainwashed, chronically ill Americans, the strike ended when these dockworkers received a 60 percent raise, that they protested for fervently.
More than 65 percent of all U.S. adults use prescription drugs and yet, ironically, are the sickest people in the world. That’s right, more than 131 million Americans are the sickest people on planet earth, who rarely come off the drugs they are prescribed because the “scripts” are only aimed at managing the symptoms of much deeper-rooted health problems, most of which are preventable and curable. So, when the cost of those next-to-useless drugs skyrockets, they have NO CHOICE but to pay the exorbitant prices. But wait, there is one choice they don’t know about, or if they do, their medical quacks have talked them out of it already.
It is estimated now that 11 million prescriptions for cholesterol drugs (a.k.a. statins) are dispensed yearly in America, but millions of those Americans don’t even need them, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. These are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the nation.
Then there’s irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that affects about 45 million Americans, most of which are female. Most people suffer from IBS because they eat GMOs, processed junk-science food, fast food and adulterated meat and dairy products daily. Go figure. There are lots of overdose deaths from prescription drugs also, especially opioids (heroin-based painkillers), even when “taken as directed.”
Maybe if the supply chain of prescription medications did come to a screeching halt, it would have been a blessing in disguise. Since these “scripts” the medical doctors seem to sling offer no prevention or cure of disease, maybe millions of Americans would shift to natural remedies, if they had no other choice. Then they might prevent and cure some of these senseless, preventable and curable diseases and disorders, and they wouldn’t be overdosing right and left.
Did you know that over 90 percent of containerized imports of pharma products shipped to the U.S. were impacted by the strike that just took place? Western Medicine calls them “critical medications,” but are they really? These are “scripts” that only treat symptoms. Had the port strike continued, or some other massive supply chain interruption were to take place soon, drug shortages would drastically occur within one week. Would this take lives or save lives?
American politicians talk about lowering the price of prescription drugs to help people with financial problems and put a lid on Big Pharma’s racket, but what about informing Americans about natural remedies for the health ills? The cheapest remedy in the world that cures almost all health problems is 100 percent free. It’s called intermittent fasting. Ever tried it?
Have you heard of Resveratrol? It comes from the skin of grapes and lowers blood pressure naturally and can cure hypertension. This is not guesswork, in fact, science has proven it true. Why don’t doctors prescribe that instead rat-poison blood thinners? How about Americans eating superfoods daily that are loaded with nutrients, instead of consuming junk-science foods that are void of nutrients and full of toxins that cause disorders? Why don’t medical doctors recommend that? The CDC just fessed up and admitted that tap water loaded with fluoride causes major health issues, especially for children. Why don’t medical doctors recommend we all drink filtered water instead of toxic fluoridated tap?
Tune your internet dial to NaturalMedicine.news for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma products that cause, spread and exacerbate disease and disorder.
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Tagged Under:
alternative medicine, awakening, Big Pharma, dock strike, dock workers, drug supply, natural cures, natural health, natural medicine, natural remedy, Naturopathy, pharmaceutical fraud, Prescription drugs, rationing, scarcity, supply chain
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