Grapes might be one of the smaller fruits out there, but they punch far above their weight when it comes …
Yep, your mother got it right, again. She knew intuitively that broccoli was good for you, and perhaps “forced” you …
Most of us have heard of macular degeneration and know that it relates to vision loss. This condition is so …
Researchers have found that cheese can now be considered a superfood – as long as it’s Swiss cheese. The bacterium …
Have you ever heard of the “unified theory” cure for heart disease? Linus Pauling, a phenomenal American scientist, worked with …
Though food quantity has long been associated with good health, food quality may in fact play a much bigger role, …
There are a lot of things you might do when you’re diagnosed with cancer: worry incessantly, research nonstop, talk to …
As one of the most popular food product in the country, you’ve undoubtedly come across or even eaten blueberries. These …
Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have discovered something that the cancer industry would prefer you don’t know …
If you’re worried about skin cancer but you don’t want to slather yourself in toxic sunscreen before heading outdoors, you …
Good nutrition not only prevents certain diseases, it can be used to fight them off as well. With the American …
Gallbladder stones are the crystalline formations that develop in the biliary tract, which vary in size and chemical composition. The condition is …
Cayenne pepper, whose color can range from yellow to reddish-brown, has been used by households all over the world to …
On the surface, you might think inflammation isn’t such a big deal. It might not sound like a walk in …