News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
TCM herbs found to be safe and very effective for treating “diabetic foot” (neuropathy): Meta-analysis and review
Many diabetics suffer from foot complications, which typically happen because of nerve damage. “Diabetic foot” is signified by pain, stinging, burning, weakness or tingling in the foot. It can cause a person to lose feeling in their foot, which means they can injure it without even realizing it. It also means they won’t feel cold […]
By Cassie B.
Four science-backed health benefits of cannabis that are ignored by the mainstream media
We all know the mainstream media doesn’t like to talk about cannabis too much. After all, they have to keep the peace with their advertisers, like alcohol brands and pharmaceutical companies. Their silence on the issue is particularly deafening given how much airtime they do devote to some serious problems cannabis can help with. Inspired […]
By Cassie B.
Holistic trends for mental and emotional health in 2018: Adaptogens, CBD, nootropics
The trend toward managing physical health holistically is also extending to mental health, with more and more people seeking healthy ways to boost their mood, cognition and well-being. In response, we are seeing a rise in foods, drinks and supplements that cater to this trend. According to the natural insights experts at SPINS, three particular […]
By Cassie B.
The placebo effect is real: Study finds imagining less pain actually brings some relief
Could coping with pain be a case of mind over matter? A new study from the Netherlands shows that people can ease their pain simply by imagining something to be less painful. The researchers decided to delve into the placebo effect. There is a growing body of evidence that our experiences are shaped by our […]
By Cassie B.
The hunt to eradicate safe and effective medication: Homeopathy in the cross hairs
Many of us have trouble trusting the FDA, given their horrible track record when it comes to protecting Americans’ health and safety, so we turn to homeopathic remedies instead. Unfortunately, this option could be about to become a lot more difficult as the FDA has announced a draft guidance for regulating homeopathic products. Is yet […]
By Cassie B.
Cannabis over chemo: Woman says the oil cured her aggressive breast cancer in 5 months
When Dee Mani, now 44, was diagnosed with breast cancer last March, her doctors suggested chemotherapy. She originally agreed to undergo one year of the treatment for her triple negative breast cancer – the deadliest type – but later had second thoughts. After seeing her sister suffer and die after undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, the […]
By Cassie B.
GOOD FATS HEAL: After conventional medicine failed, five-year-old cured of epilepsy by eating hundreds of avocados
Sometimes eating the right foods can do a lot more to heal people than taking medication, as was illustrated recently by the remarkable turnaround of an epileptic British girl. Five-year-old Leafy Liu suffered from severe epilepsy from the time she was a baby, often suffering as many as 60 seizures per day. Conventional medicine was […]
By Cassie B.
Medical supplies WIPED OUT across America due to severe flu, proving you’re smarter to prevent the flu yourself (and not rely on a failed medical system)
As the flu season takes its toll on people throughout the nation, medical supplies are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain, underscoring the need to take care of yourself and take measures to prevent becoming ill in the first place. In western Pennsylvania, among many other places, flu tests are scarce. Private doctors are running out […]
By Cassie B.
Cannabis found to reduce alcohol-induced liver disease, according to new study
It’s no secret that abusing alcohol can wreak havoc on your liver, but it’s not as widely known that cannabis can actually stem this effect. A surprising new study shows that people who abuse alcohol and also use cannabis have a reduced incidence of liver disease. Alcohol abuse is a serious issue in America, causing […]
By Cassie B.
Orangutans discovered to be herbal medicine geniuses who manufacture their own healing ointments using forest plants
When we want a natural cure, many of us look to traditional medicine. While the remedies used by ancient people across the world often prove to be valuable tools for healing, there might be one potential source of herbal medicine that we are overlooking: animals. Orangutans have been observed in the wild creating their own […]
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