News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
The effectiveness of tuberculosis drugs dramatically increases when taken with vitamin C
Tuberculosis is a serious problem, killing 1.7 million people around the world in 2016 and sickening many others. One reason it can be so deadly is because treatment with drugs can take six months or even longer as cells linger. The multidrug variety can take up to two years to treat, and the drugs used […]
By Cassie B.
A natural sugar molecule, D-ribose, found to improve heart function and blood flow
Most people want to avoid heart attacks, and those who are identified as being at risk are often put on medication to help reduce their chances of having one. However, heart attacks remain incredibly common around the world. With one occurring every 40 seconds in America, you likely know more than a few people who […]
By Cassie B.
New Medicaid health care plan prescribes healing foods as medicine
The relationship between food and health is a strong one, as study after study has illustrated. The wrong foods can make us ill, and eating the right ones can cure some problems better than any medication ever could. When we read about the latest study touting the benefits of a balanced and wholesome diet, the […]
By Cassie B.
The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory
Turmeric is often touted for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it has another superpower that gets a lot less attention: it’s a potent neuroprotector. This spice’s main active ingredient is curcumin, which gives it its cheerful yellow-orange hue. Researchers from the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) have now shown that curcumin supplementation can boost […]
By Cassie B.
Compound found in green tea dissolves dangerous plaque found in blood vessels
Green tea already gets a lot of attention for its potential to fight cancer, but there’s another very important benefit that is making the beverage an even more attractive option than it already is. Scientists have found that a compound in green tea can dissolve the protein plaques in blood vessels that can cause heart […]
By Cassie B.
Taking probiotics can reduce symptoms of depression
Depression is becoming all too common, and so, too, are antidepressants. In today’s instant-gratification-obsessed world, doctors and patients alike are tempted by the lure of a “quick fix” like a drug that can tackle this serious problem. Unfortunately, antidepressants aren’t terribly effective, and the side effects can be even worse than depression itself. That doesn’t […]
By Cassie B.
Surprising new research concludes that baking soda can prevent autoimmune disease on a cellular level
You’ve probably seen more than one list circulating online touting the many uses for baking soda. Is your fridge smelling bad? Did your drain get clogged? Do your shoes need freshening up? Baking soda has a lot of tricks up its sleeve, but one of the best ones doesn’t usually feature in lists of household […]
By Cassie B.
Tomato extracts KILL stomach cancer cells, new study shows
When you think of cancer-fighting foods, what usually comes to mind? Perhaps you think of turmeric, ginger, or green tea, but what about tomatoes? You’re probably aware they’re good for you, but did you know they can actually reduce your risk of stomach cancer? That was the finding of a study carried out by Temple […]
By Cassie B.
CBD confirmed to reduce seizures in patients with a severe form of epilepsy
Seizures are not only frightening for those who experience them and those who witness them; they can also be extremely dangerous when sufferers lose consciousness or control and fall down. Unfortunately, doctors have yet to find a way to stop them entirely. However, a new study is giving a lot of people hope after finding […]
By Cassie B.
South Korean researchers CONFIRM that echinacea protects you against stress-related diseases
Can you recall the last time you were stressed? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have to think too far back to come up with a stressful moment – or perhaps you feel that way all the time. Many of us are feeling the effects of our busy lives and the constant technological […]
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