News & Articles By Tracey Watson
By Tracey Watson
Little known natural treatments for cancer blow away widely held myths
A cancer diagnosis is truly one of the most terrifying things a human can ever face. It is understandable that at such a time a person might be drawn to the apparent security of relying on the recommendations of the “qualified” doctor or oncologist who suggests a regimen of chemotherapy and/or radiation as the best […]
By Tracey Watson
Pregnancy vitamins are for baby too: Probiotic and fish oil supplement use during gestation reduce risk of childhood food allergies, eczema
Many a parent of an allergic child lives in fear of their little one being stung by a bee or accidentally being exposed to peanuts, eggs or shellfish. For allergic kids, such exposure can mean a reaction ranging in severity from coughing, sneezing, an itchy throat or a runny nose, to trouble breathing, hives, a […]
By Tracey Watson
Antibiotics in the wild: Usnea, a lichen that grows all around the globe, has been used as effective natural medicine for centuries
You have likely walked past it dozens of times during walks in wooded areas, without ever realizing that you were passing one of nature’s most miraculous healers. Usnea (pronounced yew-snee-a), or Old Man’s Beard, as it is known to many, is a type of lichen that can be found on trees that grow in high […]
By Tracey Watson
Crash diet found to REVERSE Type 2 diabetes in three months
Type 2 diabetes is one of the greatest health scourges of modern society. The American Diabetes Association reports that close to 10 percent of the American population – or around 30 million people – are currently battling this disease. Diabetes is also one of the leading causes of death, and costs the country around $245 […]
By Tracey Watson
Three ways to manage pain without pills
Most of us greet each new day with excitement and joy, happy to be alive and enjoy at least a measure of good health. There are millions of Americans, however, for whom the days pass in a blur of chronic pain. The famous French physician, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, having observed the effects of pain on […]
By Tracey Watson
Those with a high cardiovascular risk profile should eat dark chocolate with olive oil, new study finds
In recent years, the medical community has put a lot of effort into educating people about reducing their cholesterol levels in order to protect their heart health. Of course, those who do have elevated cholesterol levels are often prescribed statin drugs like Lipitor, Zocor and others to lower these levels. In fact, these are among […]
By Tracey Watson
Eating nuts found to dramatically improve “brainwave functions” linked to memory, creativity, performance and intelligence
Feeling foggy? The hectic pace of modern life can often leave us feeling mentally wiped out, struggling to concentrate, creatively drained and just plain uninspired. If you’re feeling that way, we have some good news for you: A recent study conducted by researchers from the Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center, published in the […]
By Tracey Watson
Company maps cannabis genome to protect marijuana from Monsanto
There is an urban legend that has been floating around on the Internet for several years now, that Monsanto either has obtained or is working towards obtaining a patent for a genetically modified strain of cannabis. Monsanto’s own website vehemently denies this, stating categorically, “Monsanto has not and is not working on GMO marijuana. This […]
By Tracey Watson
Study: Marijuana use as a cancer treatment is growing, with up to one quarter of patients using it, and more wanting to
Over half of all U.S. states have now passed legislation allowing for the medicinal use of marijuana. The New York Times recently reported that over 200 million Americans live in states where the medicinal use of marijuana is now legal. This has opened up many new areas of treatment, and patients suffering the debilitating side […]
By Tracey Watson
Still refusing to recommend vitamin D, the pharmaceutical industry now wants to use a CANCER drug to treat the common flu
Big Pharma doesn’t miss a single trick when it comes to making money out of human suffering, and just such an opportunity was recently handed to them on a platter, when researchers discovered that a cancer treatment drug has the potential to halt the flu virus in its tracks. The U.K.’s Daily Mail is reporting […]
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